A little while ago I wrote about ways to teach kids about the value of money and one of those tips was getting kids to do some chores around the house. So I thought I’d write a quick post about some of the tips on chores you can get kids to do around the home based on their age.
First of all, before we get into the chores here are some things to consider:
- Don’t worry about how well they do the chores – no doubt they won’t do as good as job as you, but the point is getting them started.
- Don’t think they are too young – of course do make the chores age appropriate – but there is no reason why your 4 year olds can’t make a bed – even if you do need to smooth it out afterwards.
- Be sure to offer lots of praise and reward. It’s up to you if you decide to make payment for a chore being completed, but even if you don’t pay them, be sure to provide lots of praise.

Age Appropriate Chores for Children
Chores for 2 to 3 Year Olds
Below are some age appropriate chores for children aged 2 to 3 years old:
- Pick up toys and books
- Put rubbish in the bin – not just their rubbish, ask them to put other garbage in the bin too
- Put washing in the laundry basket
- Put away non breakable dishes
- Help fold washing and put away in drawers
Chores for 4 to 6 Year Olds
As well as the chores above, below are some age appropriate chores for children aged 4 to 6 years old:
- Feed the family pet
- Water plants
- Dust
- Set the table and clear the table
- Help put away groceries after shopping
- Make the bed
- Help wash the car
- Help with feeding and dressing younger siblings
- Bring in the mail
Chores for 7 to 11 Year Olds
As well as the chores above, below are some age appropriate chores for children aged 7 to 11 years old:
- Sweep
- Vacuum
- Clean bathrooms and toilets
- Take out rubbish
- Help prepare meals – some children may even be able to make meals under supervision
- Pack and empty the dishwasher
- Hang out the washing and take it off the line
- Take pets for a walk
Chores for 12+
As well as the chores above, below are some age appropriate chores for children aged 12 and above:
- Mow the lawn
- Put on the washing
- Mop floors
- Babysit younger siblings
- Cook meals
I’m sure there are many more chores you can no doubt add to the above list depending upon your family circumstances, but hopefully these will get you started if you’re not sure where to start.
If you plan on paying your children for chores completed, I suggest doing up a formal plan of what they are required to do each week and for how much money.
What chores do you get your children to do in your household?
Suze is a stay at home mum who works on building her own business while making a side income from surveys.